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CSI National Award -Third time for FISAT

CSI National Award -Third time for FISAT National Conference on “Advancement in Computer Applications”ThumbnailsROAD SAFETY SEMINARNational Conference on “Advancement in Computer Applications”ThumbnailsROAD SAFETY SEMINARNational Conference on “Advancement in Computer Applications”ThumbnailsROAD SAFETY SEMINAR

10th December 2011

FISAT Student Branch of CSI won the National Award for the Best CSI Student Chapter consecutively for the third time i.e. 2009, 2010 and in 21011.

In a meeting held at Ahamedbad Management Association Hall, Mr. Prasad J.C, HOD, CSE Dept received the Award from CSI President Sri. M.D. Agarwal. Mr. M. Murugesan, Director (Education), Dr. Ramaswamy, Vice –President, CSI and Prof. Dr. P. Trimurthy, Jury Chairman were present.
