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ROLLING STONE INAUGURATED South Zone Inter University Table Tennis TournamentThumbnailsROLLING STONE INAUGURATEDSouth Zone Inter University Table Tennis TournamentThumbnailsROLLING STONE INAUGURATEDSouth Zone Inter University Table Tennis TournamentThumbnailsROLLING STONE INAUGURATEDSouth Zone Inter University Table Tennis TournamentThumbnailsROLLING STONE INAUGURATEDSouth Zone Inter University Table Tennis TournamentThumbnailsROLLING STONE INAUGURATEDSouth Zone Inter University Table Tennis TournamentThumbnailsROLLING STONE INAUGURATEDSouth Zone Inter University Table Tennis TournamentThumbnailsROLLING STONE INAUGURATED

28th September 2011

Literary Association of FISAT "Rolling Stone" was inaugurated by Dr. Muse Mary George, U C College, Alwaye. Mr. P V Mathew, Chairman, FISAT Governing body presided in a meeting held in this connection. Mr. E K Rajavarma, Dr. K V Sundaresan, Dr. C Sheela, Dr Pailo Paul, Dr. Molly Joseph and Ms. Sajana Shamsudin spoke on the occasion.
